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Welcome to UniNursity!

Welcome Alumni! This is social community that focuses on all things nursing! A safe space Designed to provide Nursing

Students & Professionals with the resources & support needed to excel in career, education, & relationships goals.

From study guides to tips & tricks, sharing knowledge, improving patient care, encouragement for nursing students, trading & selling offered services and supplies, or making new nursing friends around the world! UniNursity has everything you need to succeed.

Whether you're just starting your nursing journey or looking to advance your skills, UniNursity is here to help.Join our community today & take the first step towards connecting with other nurses like you!

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Ways Social Media Grows Nursing Communities

Social media has become a vital part of our daily lives, and nurses are no exception. The healthcare industry is evolving at a rapid pace,…

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Tips for Saving More Than Half Your High Annual Nursing Salary

Nurse have a hard and stressful job to do day in and out, you likely are paid well and have a steady income, but saving…

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10 Rewarding Reasons you would want to become a Nurse

Nursing is a fulfilling and rewarding career that offers many opportunities for personal and professional growth. Here are ten reasons why you should consider going…

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Health & Self Care

10 Meal Plan Tips for Healthy Nurses

Healthy meal prep is crucial for nurses because it helps to ensure that they are properly fueled throughout their shifts. Nurses have physically and mentally…

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Tips for renting a house

Morbi scelerisque, neque ut vehicula varius, metus eros accumsan mauris, vel egestas arcu leo sit amet dolor. Praesent varius nisl at cursus vestibulum. Etiam fermentum pellentesque risus lacinia suspendisse quis tellus nisi. Sed ac dolor ac eros euismod molestie in vitae ipsum.

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what's the tea?

what's the tea?

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Not making what you deserve?

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Contemplating on being an ER nurse vs an Aesthetic Nurse?

or Just need to vent?

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Classified Ads for Nurses

Classified Ads for Nurses

Connect with nurses all over for all of your nursing needs. From scrubs to stethoscopes or textbooks to tutoring. Whether new or resell, if you no longer need their is always someone starting where you began!

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“Mankind must make heaven before we can ‘go to heaven’, in this world as in any other.”

Florence Nightingale

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